Heard some good & bad things about MacDrive but still not so sure.ĮxFAT: This way is the way i've already tried, bad experience with it, but most of the people seems to approve this option. HFS+: Using MacDrive Pro in windows to have read/write access to mac partition, i guess there's a way to allow linux support for hfs+. NTFS: Using MacFUSE & NTFS-3G to enable read/write access, or Paragon NTFS, but i've heard some bad things about stability & speed of those options.
Now i'm looking for the most accepted file sys to share files between them, so far i've found these options: I've a laptop with triple boot, Yosemite, Windows 8.1, CentOS 7, and need a partition for sharing files between the 3 os's, i've been using exFAT, as it is supported by OSX & Windows but had some issues with linux and after try to mount it on linux, osx didn't recognize it, and i was unable to mount it, then just windows recognized it and after 1 day of using it got corrupted, i had to get my data back with TesDrive.